South West Rocks
Preschool Incorporated.
Affordable Pre School.
The NSW Government is providing fee relief to families through the Start Strong Affordable Preschool initiative as part of the Early Years Commitment. Families which allocate their fee relief to SWR Pre School will receive 2 free days per week.

We have recently acquired the SWR Scout Hall and are planning extensive renovations to transform it into an additional room for our existing service. This new space will accommodate up to 50 additional preschool places each week, providing even more opportunities for our community. We are grateful to the SWR Scout Group for their support in facilitating this acquisition, and we believe it will serve as a fitting legacy for their contributions to our local community. Stay tuned for updates as we work towards our development application! We have some exciting new plans drawn up for the renovation, which are available for viewing at the pre school.
Phone: 02 6566 6177 swrpadmin@swrpreschool.nsw.edu.au 13 Trial Street, South West Rocks NSW 2431
Our Philosophy

In relation to South West Rocks Preschool, our service philosophy is a written statement of our:
Together these guide our:
Children's experiences
Learning Environments
Decision Making
Our philosophy is revised regularly to ensure that it continues to reflect the current beliefs and values of all stakeholders, as well as current daily practices. Childhood is a time for 'Belonging, Being, Becoming'. (from EYLF).
Our Philosophy is written in relation to what we believe about:
Staff / Colleagues
We uphold the following principles and practices:
i) With regard to children we will:
Ensure all children feel safe, supported, included and confident.
Foster a sense of belonging to their family, preschool and communities.
Respect that childhood is for 'being' in the here and now, to be a child and to explore joyfully!
Respect the right to 'be a child' and to be removed from the stresses and responsibilities of the adult world.
ii) With regard to families we:
Know and appreciate that families are the most significant and influential part of a child's early development
Foster respectful and collaborative relationships with families and encourage their individual contributions
Provide education and support to our families and respect their individual circumstances, cultural and child rearing beliefs.
iii) With regard to Curriculum we will:
Implement and embrace the 'Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). It's principles, practices and learning outcomes are embedded in our curriculum.
Provide a positive, inviting and comfortable learning environment that is aesthetically pleasing
Respect that children are capable, competent and able to contribute to decisions regarding their own learning.
Acknowledge that social experiences are an important context for learning.
iv) With regard to Community we will:
Recognise that our children and families also belong to many other communities such as cultural, religious, neighbourhood, local, Australian, world.
Establish, value and maintain links with local community groups
Reflect local community culture and values in our curriculum and policy development
Acknowledge and be involved in local community activities.
Advocate for early childhood as being paramount in the development of our children
Access appropriate agencies to ensure needs of families and children are met.
Liaise with local schools to facilitate smooth transitions.
v) With regard to staff members we will:
Act with professionalism in relation to children, families, colleagues and management.
Abide by the ECA Code of Ethics
Ensure that interactions with children are respectful, meaningful and nurturing.
Seek and build supportive collegial relationships with staff and management.
Ensure that or responsibilities with regard to care and education are met, and strive to be exceeded.
Engage in reflective practices with regard to children's development and learning, equality and social justice and of ourselves as educators.
Respond with careful planning to the outcomes of our reflective practice.
vi) With regard to the Environment we will:
Instil in our children, families and community a respect and responsibility to the environment.
Provide a rich environment, both indoors and out, that will invite opportunities for interaction with the natural world.
Give our children, families and community access to natural spaces and materials throughout all aspects of the curriculum.
Actively promote environmentally sustainable practices, so that these are embedded in our everyday lives.
Be ever mindful of our responsibility to teach our children to love and respect the world that will become theirs.